Mr. Tang Jun, the owner and founder of China Mammal Tour, has experience in Tibet stretching back since 1993 with much of that time spent on organizing and guiding group tours for one of the UK's leading travel companies-EXODUS. 

1993/1995 Lived in Lhasa,Tibet as English speaking tour guide; Two trips to the north of Tibet seek for the wildlifes; 

1996/1998 Lead the first ever expedition by UK driven trucks, traveling from Islamabad to Hong Kong via the South Taklamakan desert; 
Lead the culture tour groups traveling from Beijing/Xi'an/Shanghai/Guilin etc. 

1999 Start own tourism business in Tibet
Guided the first birding trip at Tibet organized by Birdquest;
Facilitator and interpreter on Beijing to Paris Vintage Car Rally from Beijing to Kathmandu via Tibet in 1997;

2000/2001 Founded China Tibet Himalayas Travel Co.Ltd in Tibet; 
Facilitator and interpreter (English) for the Around the World in 80 Days Classic Car Rally (Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, China) from Islamabad to Peking in 2000.
Guided/local agent for birding trip organized by Hong Kong Birding Society (HKBS) 25 days to the remote area of western Tibet; 

2003 Leaded birding tours to Beidaihe and Yang Xian and Qinling NR area.Guided birding tours to Qinghai and Tibet plateau.

2005/2007 Became the local agent of several worlwide birding companies:
Ornitholidays UK
Birdwatching Breaks UK
Birdtour Asia UK
Travelling Naturalists UK
Spanish Nature S.L.

2005/2009 Each year except 2008 as the earthquake in Sichuan. Guided & leaded at least 8 birdingwatching
trips per year in Sichuan,Qinghai,Tibet and Yunnan.

2010 set up China Tibet Youth Travel Service (CYTS) Chengdu Company.

2011 Became the local agent regarding their birding tourism inside China as follow:
Zoothera Birding UK
Travel to Nature Asia Germany
Birds Society Amsterdam

2012 Local agent for Prregine Birding from Australia;Travelled to several southern Asia countries for birding such as India,Thailand and Nepal

In later 2012,based on years of the collection of Guiding Experiences,Birding Reports,Birds Photos,set up the webiste on China Birding Tourism

2013 work with Rockjumper Birding Tours as their local agent

2015 Main founder of Chengdu SE Nature Studio ( focus on protecting the nature by images.

Tang Jun also a keen bird photographer,a large of his Chinese endemic mammal/bird imagines are extensive used on many biology handbooks and magazines.He is the photograph author of "A Field Guide to the Birds of Qinghai & Tibet Plateau" published by China National Geography.




ChinaBirdTour/CBT 观鸟网站创始人;


2008年 “藏雀”获“中国国家地理-首届飞羽瞬间”摄影大赛图鉴精品优秀奖

2009年 “藏鹀”入选“IUCN”和“SSC”的濒危物种图库

2010年 “三趾鸦雀”获“中国鸟类学会”鸟类摄影大赛 二等奖

2012年 接受“旅行家”杂志关于“观鸟,小众旅行的大众愿景”的采访,对于中国的观鸟旅游提出自己的见解

2015年 有近200种的中国野生鸟类图鉴摄影作品,被收录进OBC图库

2015年 担任由IBE摄制的“野性卧龙”纪录片的制片主任和摄影师

2015年 国家地理野外观察丛书“青藏高原鸟类自然观察手册” 图片作者

2015年 “中国鸟类生态大图鉴”(郭东升、张正旺主编) 多图片被采用

2015年 “黑喉歌鸲”被“ROBINS AND CHATS"(Peter Clement and Chris Rose著作,CHRISTOPHER HELM LONDON出版)采用。

2017年《卧龙自然保护区雉类观察》 编辑、摄影师

2018年《蜀山之王》图说贡嘎山生物多样性 副主编、图片作者

2019年《至美湿地-若尔盖》生物多样性丛书 副主编、摄影师

2020年 《褐头朱雀》获中国野生生物摄影年赛中国珍稀濒危物种奖


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